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1 hr

Dance Trance
Dance Trance / (DT) is a high-intensity cardio-choreography dance fitness class.
You'll have 15 routines to follow and they'll be set to hip-hop, pop, rock and R&B etc. all in one class. Make no bones about it, this is a legit fitness class!
We use dance combinations that can be "tricky" but everything is based on an 8-count.
We will repeat choreography with the verses and chorus and there's typically a basic section with maybe a v-step or grapevine to help keep you moving. The good news is once you learn a routine - that's the routine always.
ALL LEVELS WELCOME! You will not find a more accepting, encouraging, ready to cut loose and not take ourselves serious group of people around. So leave all that self-doubt and insecurity at the door and come dance with us!

Dance Trance Break Down
Dance Trance Break Down / (BD) is where we teach you the routines and break it down step-by-step.
Since we are just starting at Club 14, most everything will be a brand new routine so that we can all grow together.
For now, we will be offering a combination BD/DT. We'll spend 45 min. teaching you the choreography and then 45 min. dancing it.
New routines will be introduced each week and reviewed at the pace of the collective class.

DT 101
DT 101 is a hybrid alternating between BD & DT.
We may do 2 to 3 songs and then spend a few minutes reviewing sticky parts and then moving on.
It will be less instruction than a breakdown but enough for you to feel confident enough to give it your cardio all!

DT Prep
DT Prep is a free video recording for you to practice the most basic moves that recur in our choreography.
This will help you to develop your "Dance Trance" brain so that you start to see the patterns in each routine and anticipate what comes next.
Click DT PREP to start practicing!
Class Schedule
Dec 11 - Dec 17